HomeGreen Living3 Simple Tricks to Save Big on Your Business Energy Bill

3 Simple Tricks to Save Big on Your Business Energy Bill

In today’s Capitalist society, cutting costs is always an integral part of growing your business. This can be achieved in many ways, but one way that might not be so obvious or on the top of your list is to cut down energy costs.

3 Simple Tricks to Save Big on Your Business Energy Bill
3 Simple Tricks to Save Big on Your Business Energy Bill

Many think that this is just a fixed cost that will have to be accounted for.  You will now find there are many ways to reduce your overhead and make your business run more efficiently and cheaply.  Paying attention to the small details like the type of light bulbs that you are using all the way up to installing robust solar power systems are great ways to help your business follow the Green Movement and reduce your cost.

Solar Panel Parking Lots

Innovative Ways Businesses Can Cut Down Energy Costs
Ways Businesses Can Cut Down Energy Costs.

One idea that many are taking on is the addition of solar systems for your business. Solar panels can be installed on the roof of your building, in your parking lots, and serve a double purpose as parking canopies to shade the vehicles in your lot at the same time.  When you add a solar system to your business, you are not directly using that power for your utilities and electronics.  What happens is the energy that your system produces gets sold back to the utility company at a negotiated rate and that amount is taken off of your bill each cycle.  Which utility company is in your area will determine the rate they will pay you for your power.

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Obviously, the more robust the system is, the more power it will produce.  This will lead to a larger return on your investment.  Both on the state and federal levels there are plenty of incentives and tax breaks to help with the startup costs of implementing a system for your business.  A more revolutionary solar technology is developing, where you will have panels that are designed to be paved on a road in place of asphalt.  Instead of having pavement or gravel parking lots, these cells are established to handle the toughest situations and will provide power just the same.

Smart AC Systems

Another way to cut costs on your utility bills is to install smart control systems on things like your Air Conditioning and lighting. You can manage your power usage from a remote location with desktop and smartphone applications.

These applications allow you to adjust the temperature, lighting, and just about anything that runs on electricity in your office.  Having this capability will allow you to run your utilities more efficiently when you need to and in a more controlled manner.  For example, keep the air conditioning set at a higher temperature overnight, and then have an automatic control to decrease the temperature slowly as it gets closer to your operating hours.  You can use similar principles for lighting and heating in cold climates.

Types of Lighting

The incandescent light bulb is now a thing of the past.  While Thomas Edison came up with the perfect way to control electricity to make a glow and light up our world, we have come a long way since his first version of the light bulb.

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This may seem like a small detail, but when you are operating a business that uses many light bulbs, your savings will add up over time.  After all, that is what business is all about, cost projections over time.  Any way you can cut corners is a benefit and should be studied.  Fluorescent lighting will last longer, run on less power, and of course, save you money.

Take Notice

The US Green Building Council has established a rating system and requirements to enable your business to become LEED-certified.  Once you meet the requirements, you will now have the bragging rights that your business is up to par with the latest environmental standards.  You will receive government incentives and be able to market your business as being reputable and aware of its impact on our environment.  This alone will help you stand out as a leader, helping your business to grow.

Earthava Team
Earthava Teamhttps://www.earthava.com
A collective of experts in Renewable Energy, environment and green living. Some of these content are written by AI But revised and edited by the team.
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