HomeGreen Living9 Easy Steps to Start Growing Your Food Today

9 Easy Steps to Start Growing Your Food Today

Nobody was born to be a farmer. There are no “special farmers” anywhere. We all have a role to play in food production. It is time you stop being more of a consumer and start considering how you can grow your food.

9 Easy Steps to Start Growing Your Food Today

Are you looking to know how growing your food can benefit the environment? You have come to the right place. In this article, we will show you some of the outstanding benefits that come with bringing your farmer. Not only that: you will discover how the environment will be pleased with that action.

The Benefits of Growing Your Food

Here are the outstanding that come with having your garden and growing your vegetables and fruits:

  1. Reduces Carbon Emission

The first environmental benefit of growing your food is the reduction of carbon emissions.

It must be noted that carbon emissions tend to affect the foodstuffs and the atmosphere as well. Keep in mind that it takes an average of 1,500 miles to transport food from the farms to the grocery stores. This is in addition to the potential of losing the flavor over that period.

On the contrary, growing and harvesting your food helps the environment by reducing carbon emissions. All you will be doing is moving the food you grew from your backyard garden to your home for consumption.

  1. Reduction of Harmful Chemicals

Ideally, foods are preserved. In most cases, the chemicals used for preservation tend to be harmful. This does not leave out the use of synthetic fertilizers and the extreme amount of pesticides when commercially farming foods.

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But, when you grow your food, you will have better control over it. You will be the one to dictate and decide on what goes into the foods you grow. Farming your foods also empowers you to organically nourish your soil by using natural fertilizers.

  1. Reduces Food Waste

Despite the use of synthetic fertilizers, growing foods in the traditional way can bolster food wastage. For example, many such foods tend to decay after the long way from the farm to your plate.

On the one hand, this can trigger more carbon emissions. It also means that food waste will litter all the streets waiting for the waste management authorities to take them away.

On the other hand, food wastage also means a shortage of food. In most cases, it can shoot the prices of food to the moon because of scarcity.

However, when you grow your food, it will be easier to reduce food wastage. This means that you will grow the amount of food enough for you and your family.

How Can You Grow Your Food?

You can grow your food and help the environment if you follow the steps below or check these gardening tips for beginners. Here are some of the ways you can do that:

  1. Decide on a Spot

Undeniably, many homeowners would rather have a container garden than make some space in their backyard where they can farm.

The foods you want to grow can thrive or not thrive depending on the location you planted them. So, the first thing you have to do is to decide on a spot or location where you can grow your food.

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You may want to install a couple of raised beds or use the container garden option. Of course, if you have more space in your home, consider opening a backyard garden.

  1. Find out the Best Time to Grow

Different plants and foods have different times as they grow. That is why it’s essential to discover the best time to grow your food.

You may want to get a planting schedule and diary to draw up the best time to delve into part-time farming at home.

  1. The Topography of the Soil

Can you grow any food you want without considering the soil? That may not always be possible.

Therefore, know the type of soil that is available where you want to grow your food. For example, if the soil is clay soil, consider growing foods like carrots, potatoes, and onions.

Otherwise, you want to use a container with topsoil to grow your strawberries.

  1. Vary Your Foods

Do not concentrate on one food alone. Try to mix things up so you will have multiple foods grown by the time you are through with planting.

A good way to start is by planting vegetables and following them up with green beans and other types of fruits you consume.

  1. Add Layers to the Soil

It is pertinent to ensure that the soil is in good condition. Enrich the soil by adding some layers of additional soil before planting.

Also, consider using organic varieties and fertilizers to nourish the foods you want to grow. At the same time, ensure the additional layers of soil and the underlying fertilizers are suitable for the edible foods you intend to grow.

  1. Identify the Appropriate Farming Method
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Some seeds thrive first on container gardens before they are transplanted to the ground while some others do better when they are planted directly on the ground.

  1. Photosynthesis Is Important

Ensure you water the plant as and when due. This will help in bolstering photosynthesis via the transformation of sunlight into aiding food growth.

  1. Cover Appropriately

If the seeds and fruit you planted are susceptible to pest attacks, consider covering them up using fine mesh cover or polythene.

  1. Harvest and Eat

It is time to enjoy your hard work. Note that you may have to wait a little while longer if the crops are the type that needs more time before being harvested.

You now have your homegrown food to enjoy!

Growing Your Food Helps the Environment

Our environment has continually suffered many issues since carbon emissions became intensive. The prices of foods in grocery stores tend to be on the high end because of the funds invested in them. There is also a cause of concern over the health status of such foods considering the synthetic fertilizers used in growing them.

Nevertheless, you will be helping the environment and yourself when you grow your foods. You do that in many ways, such as monitoring the fertilizers that go into the growth of the foods to produce the amount of food you can consume.

Do you grow your foods? What has been your experience doing that?

Donald Giddings
Donald Giddingshttps://www.greenlivingzone.com/
Donald Giddings is founder and editor in chief at Green Living Zone. A lifelong sustainability enthusiast, Donald is always looking for the best way to live in harmony with nature. When he is not trying out new eco-friendly recipes, he writes engaging content about green, sustainable ways to maintain your home, body, and soul, readily sharing his abundant experience with other green living aficionados.
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