HomeGreen LivingRaising Eco-Friendly Kids: Simple Habits to Start Today

Raising Eco-Friendly Kids: Simple Habits to Start Today

Living a green and eco-friendly lifestyle has to start with ourselves, but in order for the progress to continue so that we can truly make a difference for our environment, it’s crucial that we all share the knowledge, passion, and experience with the little ones.

Raising Eco-Friendly Kids- Simple Habits to Start Today

So, if you dearly wish to contribute to making the world a better and healthier place, you should definitely think about ways to get your kids interested in a green and eco-friendly type of living as well. Of course, as a parent, you’re already a role model to your kids.

In that sense, you hold plenty of power to make a significant change. But, if you need some extra ideas that can help you get your children a bit closer to preserving and enriching the environment, keep reading.

Small things matter

As mentioned, children will do what they see their parents do. If your goal is to teach your child more about an eco-friendly lifestyle, you should start with the most basic yet essential habits that can make a huge difference in the long run.

For example, always turn the water off when you brush your teeth or wash your hands. Your child will see that and adopt such a practice as a normal routine. Whenever you leave the room don’t forget to turn the lights off. Show your child how you can plug out all your appliances when you’re leaving for a trip. There are plenty of other small details that your kid will notice and start copying.

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Fun with Recycling

Fun with Recycling
Going Green: How to Teach Your Children Eco-Friendly Habits

Recycling is also something kids will learn from their parents, but you can make this whole concept a lot more entertaining and appealing to children with the right mindset and passion. For starters, you can make special recycling bins just for your little one(s) so that they can reach them easily.

Use a colorful design for all the bins so that the kids can start differentiating them quicker and easier. Moreover, you can always play the recycling game, and have your kids guess and/or draw the things that can be recycled contrary to the ones that cannot.

Be smart with your purchases

Be smart with your purchases
Going Green: How to Teach Your Children Eco-Friendly Habits

Buying tons of clothes may truly be one of the biggest issues when it comes to green living and eco-friendly behavior. There’s really no need to create an even bigger carbon footprint with all the thrift possibilities nowadays.

Therefore, teach your child the importance of smart purchases, with a strong accent on being grateful for what they have. That way, your kids will make their own opinions little by little and learn that there’s no particular joy in material things such as clothes. What’s more, exploring second-hand shops can be a joyful and fun time for the kids so don’t hesitate to take them with you and explain the difference you’re making.

Green lifestyle everywhere

Green lifestyle everywhere
Going Green: How to Teach Your Children Eco-Friendly Habits

Aside from your home, you should try to make your kids understand that they should be eco-friendly wherever they go. This is also something kids will pick up from watching you, but don’t hesitate to discuss the things you’re doing either. For example, show and explain why you need to put the trash into the bin instead of just throwing it on the street.

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Make sure to get your kids some long-lasting vegan bags that they can use for school and/or toys. That way, they’ll get to see that green and sustainable can also be interesting and nice. Of course, don’t forget to explain the cruelty-free notion and talk about the animals, since the bond kids usually have with animals is a great start for teaching them the right values.



Finally, gardening is definitely one of the best hobbies you can take up together with your child. Not only is it both mentally and physically healthy, but it will give you more time and opportunity to bond, and your child to learn about plants and responsibility. You don’t have to live in a house with a yard in order to enjoy gardening. Even a small space with plant pots in an apartment can mean a lot for a small, impressionable child.

Always include care and kindness every step of the way as you present green, eco-friendly options and practices to your kids. This will only help them accept and learn new things with ease, and continue to change the environment and the world for the better as they grow up.

Earthava Team
Earthava Teamhttps://www.earthava.com
A collective of experts in Renewable Energy, environment and green living. Some of these content are written by AI But revised and edited by the team.
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