HomeSustainabilityWhat Are The Pros and Cons of Green Buildings?

What Are The Pros and Cons of Green Buildings?


It is common to hear people talking about “going green”. And, whether or not you like it, there will come a time when you too have to take part in this green movement.

This is because, in the next few years, the planet will run out of natural resources, thus making it hard for people to survive. Yes, this is very alarming. For this reason, some people are putting much of their efforts into green building.

The Definition of Green Building

As defined by the United States Environmental Protection Agency,

Green building is the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation, and deconstruction. This practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. Green building is also known as a sustainable or high-performance building.

Basically, the main idea of green buildings is to promote the preservation of the natural environment all over the project location, while still being able to build a structure that serves its purpose.

The Pros and Cons

It is safe to assume that building a structure that promotes environmental awareness is good. However, you cannot deny the fact that everything that is good always has a drawback. And that being said, here are some pros and cons of green buildings you ought to think seriously about:

Pros of Green Building

Pros of Green Building
Pros of Green Building

1. Water and Energy Efficiency

Green buildings involve the use of water and energy-efficient innovations that are not utilized in traditional structures. With these advancements, a healthy and more sustainable environment is created.

2. Maintenance

These buildings do not require frequent maintenance. For instance, they do not need annual paintings. As a result, time and money are saved.

3. Indoor Air Quality

The quality of air is improved. This is because healthy and natural materials are used in the process, such as using wind and solar power, instead of charcoal.

4. ROI

Because green buildings involve measures like the installation of solar panels, the lifespan of a building is increased. Hence, it yields a better return on investment or ROI and higher resale values.

5. Material Efficiency

These green architectures use materials that are renewable, recyclable, reusable, and non-toxic, such as straw, recycled metal, concrete, sheep wool, compressed earth blocks, lumber, and bamboo.

Cons of Green Building

Cons of Green Building
Cons of Green Building

1. Temperature Regulation

Green buildings use cooling components like natural ventilation. This means homeowners do not have full control of the decrease or increase of temperatures.

2. Structural Positioning

Structural positioning is essential in these buildings. So, homeowners may have to install other features, such as shades or blinds.

3. Costs

The costs associated with these structures are believed to be expensive. Homeowners might have to invest lots of money. However, in the long run, the invested money will return through energy-saving possibilities.

4. Green Roofs

When building roofs for a green building, there are different layers involved, which makes them heavier compared to traditional roofs. These layers include drainage systems, water storage, insulation, roof support, the vegetation layer, and a waterproofing membrane.

5. Labor Law Requirements

Because there are labor law compliance requirements that should be considered, homeowners are advised to seek help from professionals to avoid any issues or costly liabilities.

6. Time

To build a green structure, more time is needed because it is difficult to find the materials needed. In most cases, the clients end up delaying the construction.

Green building is something that everyone should take part in. This doesn’t mean you too have to rebuild your home completely. You can always start with a few changes within your home, such as cutting down your energy usage. This way, you save not only money; you will also make a huge impact on the environment.

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Mark Brandon
Mark Brandon
Mark Brandon is DIY builder with plenty of experience in home renovation and home inspection. Whenever he learns something new, he shares it online through blogs hoping it can help some people. If you have any questions.

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