HomeEnvironmentHow Climate Change Is Shaping the Modern Home

How Climate Change Is Shaping the Modern Home


Climate change is inevitable. Patterns of human activity and other natural forces continue to alter the temperature and weather that our planet experiences. 

How Climate Change Is Shaping the Modern Home

In time, resources that we currently take for granted will be less accessible. The ramifications remain to be seen, but we can expect a lot more global conflict and diplomacy surrounding the lack of resources attributed to climate change. Certain regions may become uninhabitable, meaning that bodies of people may be forced to seek a home elsewhere, and freshwater will become more valuable and sought after than it’s ever been.

These are the extreme outcomes, however. In today’s world, there are steps we can take in our daily lives and in our homes to slow down the effects that come with climate change.

Increased Focus on Saving Water

You’ve probably heard from numerous sources to conserve freshwater whenever you can, and that’s good! We should all strive to limit our use of water since it is limited, after all. 

Water conservationists agree that there are several steps modern homeowners can put in place to save or harvest water. Here are a few:

  • Turning off the water while scrubbing dishes: You can cut down the amount of water you use when hand washing dishes tremendously by turning off the water as you work away at scrubbing.
  • Turning off the water while brushing your teeth: This is an easy tip that most people do not use, but the simple act of turning off the water can save a household up to ten gallons a day.
  • Attaching a nozzle to water hoses: A lot of residential landscaping and gardening requires the use of a garden hose, and many hose users will, unfortunately, turn on the garden hose spigot without a hose attachment to retain water from flowing freely. This can lead to dozens of wasted gallons of water, whereas a simple hose nozzle would save all of that wasted water. 
  • Limit the use of the dishwasher, and only run full loads: Dishwashers consume a ton of energy and water. It can usually be more conservative to handwash small batches of dishes, but if you do choose to use the dishwasher, try to maximize the use of the water by filling the machine as full as you can.

Approaches to Lawn and Landscape 

The way we landscape and tend to our lawns can make a big impact on the environment. For instance, there’s an immense amount of chemical agents that are used to fight off weeds and unwanted vegetation in our gardens and lawns.

Eco-minded landscapers should take care to handle their lawn care with non-toxic solutions, such as weeding by hand. Yes, as much as it’s more strenuous and time-consuming than busting out RoundUp, it’s a 100% safer and less harmful method that won’t create lasting damage on the land. 

When laying paving for the first time or during renovations that involve repaving, it’s crucial to incorporate permeable material that will allow water to saturate and enter the ground beneath. Otherwise, non-permeable paving will cause water runoff that can lead to flooding and eventual damage to plants and structures, as well as ground erosion. 

Accessibility of Solar Energy

Natural means of harnessing energy are becoming more affordable for pedestrian homes, but one that’s getting increasingly more economical today is solar panel energy. 

Traditional delivery of energy includes burning fossil fuels, which continually eat away at the ozone layer, causing the shift and imbalance of temperatures that are getting more prevalent. 

Shifting energy acquisition and consumption over to solar energy harvesting is a huge step in reducing the degradation of the ozone layer, which will contribute to slowing down climate change. 

As a bonus, residents who have solar panels installed on their roofs often receive tax breaks since it’s shown as a concerted effort to preserve the environment. In some cases, the government might even provide a grant subsidizing the purchase and installation of solar panels.

How Towns and Cities Are Doing Their Part

Many countries are utilizing green tech in order to meet sustainability initiatives and solve ongoing infrastructure problems resulting from climate change. For example, it’s estimated that by 2050, one in five countries in the world with face water shortages associated with imminent droughts. 

In preparation for this, efforts are underway to adapt known bodies of water to yield fresh water usable for drinking. Dozens of progressive nations are finding new ways to desalinate saltwater for consumption by humans, but the progress is an ever-growing development. To prolong the access to fresh water that we currently have, exercise caution with how much water you are using.

More countries are promoting the purchase and use of electronic vehicles to reduce the density of carbon dioxide emissions that come from gas-powered vehicles. This comes in the form of creating new legislation requiring accommodations for electronic vehicle owners, such as the UK’s requirement to install EV charging stations with every newly built home.

Together, We Can Slow Climate Change

It’s difficult to see climate change while it’s happening. By the time it’s obvious, it’s usually too late, and the damage is already done. The tangible result will be felt by someone eventually, and that’s why it’s our duty as dwellers on this earth to protect the planet we live on and love.


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Amanda Winstead
Amanda Winstead
Amanda Winstead is a writer from the Portland area with a background in communications and a passion for telling stories. Along with writing she enjoys traveling, reading, working out, and going to concerts. If you want to follow her writing journey.

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