HomeEnvironment4 Intriguing Examples of Green Technology We Can Apply Today

4 Intriguing Examples of Green Technology We Can Apply Today

The issues of global warming and climate change are still a growing problem. Despite the efforts of industries and businesses to reduce pollution, it’s still not enough. Fortunately, engineers and scientists across the world are continuously developing green technology. From electric scooters to solar panels, green technology uses an innovative transformation to create sustainable energy and products.

4 Intriguing Examples of Green Technology We Can Apply Today

However, many inventions are already with us today. The challenge now is for businesses and homes to apply these green technologies so that more people can contribute to green living. That said, here are a few green technologies that most homes and businesses can start applying today.

Riding gas-free vehicles

Eco-friendly transportation has risen in demand, especially with the popularity of sustainable micro-mobile vehicles such as electric scooters. These kinds of ecological vehicles reduce polluting gases in the atmosphere. With 30 percent of carbon emissions coming from road transportation, it makes sense to cut down greenhouse gases from one of its largest sources.

However, you might be wondering: are electric scooters green? As its name suggests, it does not use fuel to run, so it does not emit gas. Because of this, electric scooters reduce carbon emissions by 350g per mile, according to the Lime app. The growing use of electric scooters in Australia, France, Singapore, the U.S., and other countries with highly urbanized cities will greatly reduce greenhouse gases. In fact, Paris has already saved around 330 tons of carbon emissions because of electric scooters. If more businesses and governments push for greener transportation, more people will get used to transportation alternatives that are less harmful to the environment.

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Recycling and managing waste

As the population worldwide continues to grow, the solid wastes produced have also grown massively. Fortunately, more startups have emerged to provide effective waste management. Danish company Ørsted uses recycled water, enzymes, mechanical sorting, and anaerobic digestion to turn household waste into recyclables. The process liquefies the organics and turns them into energy. 

Other green waste solutions that help solve the plastic problem include smart containers and automated optical scanning technologies that sort and separate mixed plastics. Chemical recycling is also used to break down post-consumer plastic wastes into chemical components that can be converted into fuel or plastic products again.

These kinds of green technology help reduce the significant amount of waste that we produce. If you can’t get a hold of some of these green technologies, simple ways such as recycling, reducing plastic waste, and opting for more sustainable products will help cut down waste in the long run.

Utilising solar energy

Solar energy is not new to most people. It’s one of the most well-known and well-researched green energies. Over the years, acquiring solar power has evolved to more than just solar panels. Other means include high vacuum tubes for hot water, solar street lamps, and photovoltaic collectors for producing electricity.

Solar panels also have been upgraded to make them more efficient. Solar panels are designed to absorb the energy from the sun’s rays, but the majority of this energy can be lost as heat, making it inefficient. However, some solar panels have now been designed to produce heat and electricity for buildings and homes.

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Private companies like Tesla have also innovated solar energy by producing solar roof tiles. These are glass tiles that look similar to normal roof tiles, and it come in different shapes and colors. However, compared to a typical solar panel, Tesla’s solar roof tiles have better insulation, last longer, generate more electricity, and cost less than a normal roof tile. This makes it accessible to most homes, meaning more people can harness solar power and reduce the energy used from fossil fuels.

Planting vertical gardens and farms

Gardening and farming are sustainable and eco-friendly for the environment, but green technology improved them through urban gardening methods such as vertical or indoor farms and gardens.

In terms of gardening, how does green technology help the environment? Vertical gardens remove the need for tractors resulting in fewer fossil fuels used in farming. It also conserves water and reduces the need for pesticides. When installed in buildings, vertical gardens can reduce hearing pollution from outside a noisy street and clean the air inside or outside the building.

Best of all, people living in cities or apartments can easily grow their own vertical garden on their balcony or indoors because of its space-saving design. Aside from cleaning the air in urban areas, vertical gardens or farms can also yield crops should you choose to grow your own herbs or vegetables. Vertical farms not only help save the environment but also solve food shortages.

Living towards a greener future

If we apply the following green technologies in our everyday lives, how does green technology help us? Ultimately, it keeps the world we live in alive and healthy. When the environment is in top shape, it prevents massive flooding, heavy rains, wildfires, significant temperature changes, and more. Ultimately, it helps us survive and thrive in our everyday lives. 

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Hopefully, more businesses can find ways to reduce their carbon emissions and more organizations and governments implement methods or laws that favor taking care of the environment. The more we lessen our impact on the environment, the longer this world and its people can live in it.

Mearth is Australia’s first electric scooter brand that specializes in using innovation to reshape transportation. Mearth has gained recognition for its revolutionary e-scooters and has become one of the most popular manufacturers in the industry.
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